Video: Highly developed underwater beings and mysterious humans? Or a mysterious alien race resembling mermaids?
There are many myths and legends about ancient supernatural creatures that populate the world we live in. Every civilization has its own version of the monsters and other unidentifiable creatures that inhabited the earth before humanity. Today’s topic is about the sirens, rulers of sea.
They are also known as the Mermaids. These supernatural female entities appear to lure fishermen to the ocean only to drown them or pull them into the water to eat their flesh

They are beautiful women with the upper body of a woman and fish-like in the bottom.

Experts believe they are not mythological creatures, but rather aliens that are often found around storms and floods.
Christopher Columbus even mentioned one siren that he encountered while exploring the Caribbean. Reports of sightings are all over the world. They were reported to have been seen in Canada, Israel, and Zimbabwe not too long ago.
They are believed to be humans who evolved in water, but it is not clear if this is true. Are they aliens or just prehistoric remnants from the past who live too far below our radar to be seen?
