FBI documents state that since 1947, aliens have been coming to Earth.

A few years ago, an FBI paper was released, revealing the presence of extraterrestrial entities (multidimensional), or beings from another world.

The FBI decided to use this declassified paper to indirectly alert us of alien presences that would be able to manifest themselves with their spaceships due to sophisticated technologies, such as the ability to open dimensional portals.

The documentation released in 2015 is incredible and surprising in several respects. The FBI sends a letter to scientists and military officials in the form of a memorandum: this alien species that has visited our world since 1947 is a gigantic race from another space-time dimension!

For the record, the year corresponds to the famous events of Roswell, New Mexico, where a suspected spacecraft crashed in 1947.

Many UFO researchers and former US officers who saw the Roswell UFO Crash Case believe that extraterrestrial entities flying across worlds were attracted to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb blasts. Other alien races from other planets have also been drawn to the atomic splits.

We now present to you in depth some key points from the FBI’s memorandum: The flying saucers could pose a danger to earthlings at any time, and if one of them were to attack us, we would almost certainly be wiped out. In Earthmen, this may trigger panic and foreign mistrust. We have a lot of information about these alien “boats,” and considering their incomprehensibility, they need to be made public.

1. A portion of the spacecraft seen had passengers inside, while another was operated remotely (remote controlled).

2. Since the project is peaceful, tourists are likely to choose to remain on the earth.

5. They’re from a “Ethereal World” that we don’t know about, because they’re not from Earth.

6. Vibrations with the Earth’s thick matter cause visitors’ bodies and ships to manifest.

7. Their satellites have energy beams capable of disintegrating any aircraft and the ability to vanish without a trace from our view.

8. They do not originate in the astral plane that corresponds to Loka or Talas. These terms can be understood by the esoteric. In reality, the Loka-Talas are separate planes of consciousness, not physical or spiritual locations. A parallel dimensional plane is every plane of consciousness other than ours.

9. Visitors use a radar device to detect the location of openings (magnetic portals) that enable them to travel from one dimension to another. This material, given by the FBI, is excellent and, most importantly, it is official, indicating that we are not dealing with news obtained from who knows where. A move and perhaps a definitive opening to potentially uncover the extraterrestrial presence’s mystery.

These multidimensional beings have existed since antiquity, and their existence may be traced back thousands of years. Many people believe these beings are malicious. But for the time being, we only have human behavior to go on when it comes to hostility. Perhaps having a certain mental and spiritual independence to view truth beyond what we are used to seeing will suffice

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